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SPHCard Documentation



  • The SPHCard component has three different modules, the content module, the media module, and the action module.
  • Below is the code snippet of all the modules combined.
  • Feel free to remove some modules depending on the need of your website /

About the .sph-card__actions module...

  • Actions are, by default, made of SPHButton components. Calling the SPHButton component style is a must when you want to have card actions.
  • Actions however are replaceable with your own custom card action style.
<div class="sph-card">

<div class="sph-card__media">
<img src="" alt="Card Image"/>

<div class="sph-card__content">
<h2 class="sph-card__title">CARD TITLE</h2>
<p class="sph-card__description">Card description... Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.
Eaque, illum.</p>

<div class="sph-card__actions">
<button class="sph-button sph-button--outlined">
<i class="bx bxs-like sph-button__icon"></i>
<span class="sph-button__label">BUTTON</span>
<button class="sph-button sph-button--filled">
<i class="bx bxs-like sph-button__icon"></i>
<span class="sph-button__label">BUTTON</span>



CSS Classes & HTML Attributes API

.sph-cardThe main card component
.sph-card__mediaThe media module of the card. This is where you put your card images
.sph-card__contentThe content module of the card. This is where you put the card title, and card description
.sph-card__actionsThe actions module of the card. This is where you put the call-to-action elements of the card (i.e. SPHButton).
.sph-card__titleThe card title.
.sph-card__descriptionThe card description.
.sph-card__actionProvides special styling for the SPHButton components to be used in the context of a card.

SCSS variables API (using with ())

$card-fillChanges the component's default state background color.
$card-inkChanges the component's default state text color.
$card-radiusChanges the component's border radius.
$card-elevation-colorChanges the component's elevation/shadow color.
$card-title-sizeChanges the card's title size.
$card-description-sizeChanges the card's description size.
@use '~@surpathhub/ugnay/SPHCard' with (
$card-elevation-color: #ffffff

@include SPHCard.use();

CSS custom properties API

--sph-card-fillChanges the component's default state background color.
--sph-card-inkChanges the component's default state text color.
--sph-card-radiusChanges the component's border radius.
--sph-card-title-sizeChanges the card's title size.
--sph-card-description-sizeChanges the card's description size.
.sph-card {
--sph-card-fill: blue;
--sph-card-ink: #FFF;
--sph-card-icon-ink: #FF9900;